The SCPHN is committed to advancing the priorities of each scope of work over the next four years. In some cases, the strategies included build on previous plans with existing partners, while in other cases new workgroups will be formed. In all cases, these efforts advance action to improve the conditions in people’s lives and environments.

The 2020 Community Health Needs Assessment uncovered numerous pressing community concerns that are beyond the funded scopes of work. In the 2021 CHIP, the SCPHN will focus on “ENHANCING COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS” as its four year Regional Priority.
Utilizing the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) as the blueprint, the SCPHN will seek opportunities to take action on specific endeavors related to the SDOH and develop a resource library tied to the five key categories in an effort to connect residents of the region to services and support they might need.

In the months ahead, The Upper Room (A network partner) will be working on a critically important first step in the development of Early Childhood programs and supports in the region. In partnership with Launch Manchester the Upper Room will take the first steps of creating coalition, vision and the ground work for getting the region on track for years to come. This important endeavor will touch on every aspect of the Determinants and the South Central Public Health Network is proud to support the activity in any way it can.