Our Community Health Improvement Plan:

thumbnail of CHIP for SCPHN 2nd version

2023 Annual Report Summary

thumbnail of SCRPHN Annual Report June 2024.version 2 9.17.24

Three Year Substance Misuse Prevention Plan:

thumbnail of BDAS-SCPHN SMP 3 year plan 2019-2022 (004)

Permanent Medication Drop Box Locations

sandown2The Town of Sandown has a total population of 6,133 people of which 50.8% are male, 98.1% are white, and 9.0% are 65 and over.


Of the 2,130 households in Sandown, 40.6% have children under the age of 18, 67.0% are married couples, and 4.6% are female householders with no husband present. 11.0% of households are individuals living alone and 4.2% of households are individual living alone who are 65 and over. The average household size is 2.88 and 2.1% of households have no vehicle available.

Functional Needs

7.5% of the people in Sandown have a functional need that results from hearing, vision, cognitive, ambulatory, self-care, or independent living difficulty. 35.9% of these individuals have two or more types of disability. 8.3% of females and 36.2% of individuals 65 and over have one or more disability.

Local Resources

For local resources or to report a public health nuisance or concern, please contact the Sandown Health Officer.

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